Colonoscopy Specialist

Jeffrey Crespin, MD
Gastroenterology & Hepatology located in Midtown West, New York, NY
A colonoscopy is an essential diagnostic and treatment tool for serious conditions like colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. If you have symptoms affecting your colon and rectum or are due for colorectal cancer screening, Jeffrey Crespin, MD, can help. He offers expert colonoscopy services at his three New York City locations in Manhattan. To schedule an appointment, call one of Dr. Crespin's offices in Midtown West, Midtown East, or the Upper East Side, or book your visit online today.
Colonoscopy Q & A
What is a colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy enables Dr. Crespin to examine the lining of your colon (large intestine) for abnormalities such as polyps or ulceration or colon cancer.
To perform a colonoscopy, Dr. Crespin inserts a thin, flexible tube the thickness of a finger into your anus. He then slowly advances it into your rectum and colon. That instrument (the colonoscope) has a lens and light source that allows Dr. Crespin to view images on a monitor.
Why would I need a colonoscopy?
You might need to undergo colonoscopy as a form of colorectal cancer screening. Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths, with around 50,000 people dying each year from the disease across the United States.
Colonoscopy enables Dr. Crespin to locate and remove any polyps in your colon or rectum and remove them. These polyps are generally benign, but occasionally they may develop into cancerous tumors. Removing them prevents these tumors from forming.
Another common reason to need a colonoscopy is to investigate the symptoms of conditions like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and other causes of colorectal bleeding and pain. The colonoscope can pick up signs of ulceration or fistulas (holes in the colon) and other problems and take tissue samples (biopsies) for laboratory analysis.
What does a colonoscopy involve?
Dr. Crespin provides you with all the information you need before your colonoscopy, as well as laxatives to flush your bowel.
Your entire colon and rectum need to be empty and clean, so Dr. Crespin can see the tissues during the procedure. To achieve this, you need to stop eating the day before, drinking only clear fluids and taking strong laxatives to empty your colon.
When you arrive for your colonoscopy, you have a sedative to help you feel calm and relaxed before the procedure begins. You lie on your side with your knees bent, and Dr. Crespin gently inserts the colonoscope into your rectum. Patients usually don't feel too much discomfort during a colonoscopy, although you might have some bloating and cramping.
During the procedure, Dr. Crespin might remove any polyps, take tissue samples, apply heat to cauterize any bleeding, or inject medications into the tissues, depending on what he finds.
What happens after the colonoscopy?
After Dr. Crespin completes your colonoscopy, you stay under observation for a time while the sedative wears off. He informs you of what he found before you go home, but you might have to wait for your test results to come back from the lab for a complete report on the findings.
If you need to undergo a screening colonoscopy or have any symptoms of bowel disease, call Jeffrey Crespin, MD, today or book an appointment online.