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How often do I have my patients tell me, I did not mind the colonoscopy, but really did not like the prep. The traditional prep was 4 liters of water mixed with electrolytes and a laxative, but today well have tablet preps like sutab and low volume...
New Years Resolutions. Now that 2024 is over, maybe you have made some New Years resolutions. As my favorite show in the 1970s would open, We have the technology.. . (We can get) better, stronger, faster... Maybe this is the year, you are going to get the colonoscopy you...
Lactose intolerance is not a food allergy. When patients are lactose intolerant they no longer produced the digestive enzyme lactase. There are other enzymes, palatinase, sucrase, isomaltase involved in digesting sugars. If one lacks these enzymes, they could get bloating, gas and abdominal pain with eating. An endoscopy with a...
We are currently looking for participants in the PROVE study, a study that looks at a blood marker for polyps and colon cancer. Patients ages 45-80 who are average risk for colon cancer who have not had a colonoscopy in the last 9 years are eligible for the study
IBS (irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a chronic condition where patients can experience symptoms of abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and altered bowel habits. There are three types of iBS. The most common is IBS with constipation which has many treatment options. IBS with diarrhea has only 2 FDA approved medications for...
Every year in the United States 150,000 cases of new colon cancer are diagnosed. The best way to prevent colon cancer is to have a colonoscopy. Thirteen percent of patients diagnosed with colon cancer are under fifty. Anybody 45 or over should have a colonoscopy. If you have a first...
Stomach cancer is far more frequent in Asia. However, in 2022 there were approximately 27,000 new cases of stomach cancer. Smoking and alcohol consumption and a history of helicobacter pylori- a nasty bacteria are risk factors for this disease. In Asia, every patient over 40 gets screened for stomach cancer...
October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month Liver cancer can be diagnosed by ultrasound, CT and MRI. Patients with cirrhosis are at a higher risk of liver cancer. Having hepatitis B can also put one at a higher risk of liver cancer. Recently NAFLD has been renamed as metabolic associated liver...
With the medicines today, 99 percent of hepatitis C can be treated and cured. The biggest liver problem facing the United states in the 21st century is NASH. NASH is caused by excess fat inflaming the liver. In the majority of cases the excess fat is assocated with obesity. Non-alcoholic...
May is Celiac Awareness Month. In celiac disease, gluten triggers the immune system to attack the small intestine. Left untreated celiac disease can lead to other serious conditions like osteoporosis and lymphoma. Celiac disease can cause symptoms like bloating, constipation and diarrhea, Celiac can be tested for by both blood...
April is when baseball season gets into full swing. Edwin Diaz tore his patellar tendon last month in the World Baseball classic. This is a classic HGH-related injury. HGH grows muscles, but does not grow tendons. The muscles in the legs hypertrophy putting more strain on tendons. In Edwin Diaz's...
Cancer Facts Both colon and stomach cancer are preventable with early detection. In the United States, colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in both men and women, and it's the second most common cause of cancer deaths when numbers for men and women are...
New Year's are often the times when we self-reflect what can we do to improve our health. Is it go to the gymn more to get in better shape? Is it a new to diet to lose weight? Or is it go to the doctor for my annual check-up to...
Ulcerative colitis causes serious inflammation in your large intestine, triggering symptoms like cramping and rectal bleeding. We are currently conducting ongoing Ulcerative Colitis Clinical Trials. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation in any part of your digestive tract. The disease most often affects the end...
Gastroparesis is a disease in which your stomach cannot empty itself of food in a normal fashion. Symptoms include heartburn, nausea, vomiting and feeling full quickly when eating. Its etiology has many causes including diabetes, hypothyroidism and viruses. Sometimes it can be diagnosed by endoscopy. There are treatments that include...
where one can develop iron overload of the liver. It can also cause complications like liver cancer, cirrhosis and diabetes if caught late. It is easily treatable and can be diagnosed by measuring blood iron levels on a fast. Approximately one in ten people with Northern European ancestry carry the...
May is Celiac Awareness Month! In celiac disease, gluten triggers the immune system to attack the small intestine. Left untreated celiac disease can lead to other serious conditions like osteoporosis and lymphoma. Celiac disease can cause symptoms like bloating, constipation and diarrhea Celiac can be tested for by both blood...
Covid is the new great masquerader. It can present in many different ways. When it first presented in China in late 2019, most symptomatic patients had fevers and shortness of breath. The initial Wuhan population reported very few gi symptoms. In fact less that 5 percent experienced nausea, vomiting and...
In a lightly wooded area next to a running path. In a stranger’s bathroom. One hundred meters from the finish line. These are just a few of the places runners we talked to have admitted to, well, crapping out, during a run. And we don’t mean figuratively: Yep, we’re talking...